Color | 1 ring, 10 drops of oil cubes purple, 11 drops of oil cubes green, 12 dolphins, 13 aircraft, 14 drops of oil pentagram, 15 drops of oil eye blue, 16 blocks, 17 straw circles, 18 cacti, 19 drops of oil sun, 2 white shell love, 20 diamond-encrusted keys, 21 Purple Diamond Flowers, 22 drops of oil smiley, 23 drops of oil eye yellow, 24 flowers, 25 diamond-encrusted keys, 26 drops of oil oranges, 27 hollowed-out smiley faces, 28 Tree of Life, 29 white shell word, 3 oval white shells, 30 drops of oil ice cream, 31 drops of oil ice cream, 32 drops of oil dolphin tail, 33 drops of oil ice cream, 34 drops of oil starfish, 35 moon, 36 roses, 37 white shells eight-pointed star, 38 diamond-set rectangular, 39 Amethyst Sun, 4 round white shells, 40 elliptical amazonite, 41 straw oval, 42 diamond-set ovals, 43 Yellow Tiger Stone Ellipse, 44 yellow shellfish beans, 45 green diamond beans, 46 red diamond beans, 47 Purple Diamond Beans, 5 mermaids, 6 O-shaped white shellfish, 7 diamonds and 3 hangings, 8 cayenne peppers, 9 pairs of hanging daisies |
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